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[LGC Biosearch Technologies] Stellaris RNA FISH 를 이용한 ncRNA studies 부경에스엠 2016.05.10
LGC BIOSEARCH Technologies


LGC Biosearch Technologies 의 한국 공식 대리점 ㈜부경 에스?엠 입니다.

아래 제조사의 소식지를 통해 ncRNAs (noncoding RNAs) centromeres 를 포함한 chromosomal elements 으로부터 localization 또는 origination 되는 것에 대한 논문을 확인하실 수 있습니다.


Stellaris? RNA FISH 를 이용한 다양한 연구영역에 대한 논문을 확인하실 수 있는 Citation Center 를 방문해보시기 바랍니다.

앞으로도 Stellaris? FISH Probes 에 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다.

제품에 대한 문의사항/요청사항 있을 시 연락 바랍니다.


*LGC Biosearch Technologies 사는 BHQ (Black Hole Dark Quencher) CAL Fluor, Quasar, Pulsar 같은 Fluorescence Dyes Patents 를 가지고 있는 회사로 Oligonucleotide, qPCR Probes (TaqMan Probe based) & Primer, RNA FISH Probes, Super ROX reference dye 를 비롯한 여러 종류의 reference dyes 등 다양한 제품과 서비스를 제공합니다.


제품에 대한 문의사항 있으시면 ㈜부경 에스?엠으로 연락 부탁 드립니다.


























LGC Biosearch Technologies

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Did you know you can use Stellaris? RNA FISH to study chromosomes? This month, there have been two new publications citing Stellaris, one of which focuses on spatial localization of genes across chromosomes. Specifically, noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) have recently been discovered to localize to or originate from chromosomal elements including centromeres, pericentromeres, and telomeres opening a new area of experimental investigation for RNA FISH.

The first highlighted publication is a nice review of repeat RNAs in chromosome research in Methods in Enzymology by D. Qu?net et al., Identifying Centromeric RNAs Involved in Histone Dynamics In VivoThis work examines the new paradigm suggesting that ncRNAs may participate in regulating processes such as transcription-mediated nucleosome assembly, chromatin fiber stabilization, and recruitment of chromatin-binding factors. Our second paper in focus today is Topologically associated domains enriched for lineage-specific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis by D. Neems et al. and published in PNAS PLUS. Here, the relationship between linear and 3D organization of gene regulation during myogenesis is examined and linked to transcription regulation and cell division. Visit our Citation Center to learn more about these and the hundreds of other new publications featured there.

If you wish to learn more about Stellaris RNA FISH, please view our Comprehensive Information Page or contact me with questions.

Best wishes,

Jessica Kaplunov, Ph.D
Product Manager
LGC Biosearch Technologies
2199 S. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA 94954
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+1.800.GENOME.1 (436.6631) US & Canada
+1.415.883.8400 ext. 2202 
+1.415.883.8488 (fax)

Featured Stellaris Publication

Complete list: Citation Center.

Identifying Centromeric RNAs Involved in Histone Dynamics In Vivo.
Qu?net D, Sturgill D, Dalal Y. Methods in Enzymology 2016. Published March 24, 2016.

Topologically associated domains enriched for lineage-specific genes reveal expression-dependent nuclear topologies during myogenesis.
Neems D, Garza-Gongora A, Smith E, Kosak S. PNAS 2016. Published March 8, 2016.


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Biosearch, the Biosearch Technologies logo, and Stellaris are registered trademarks of Biosearch Technologies, Inc. Stellaris FISH Probes are sold under license from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and may be used under its patent rights for Research Use Only. 

?2016 Biosearch Technologies, Inc., 2199 South McDowell Blvd., Petaluma, CA 94954-6904

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